Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Of course, my primary reference material is the 1927 film itself, which has a fascinating design. Delving deeper, I am researching the Futurist, Expressionist, Art Nouveau and Art Deco influences of the film and those that appeared after its release.

Similar to the 2005's King Kong, I intend to set the redesigned film in the future as envisioned in 1927, the year the original film was released, as opposed to a modernization such as that in the manga and anime version of Metropolis. This is sort of a Steampunk or Raygun Gothic approach.

Particularly of interest is the design of automobiles from the 20's and 30's and the fantastic urban renderings of Hugh Ferriss from his own "Metropolis of Tomorrow."

1 comment:

  1. You've got some really gorgeous work here. This would definitely work well as a pixar-styled cgi movie. I don't see any reason to cast it with human people and get some overwrought Avatar-type bomb-blasted junk.

    Keep up the excellent work!
